I have not received a new mail alert

If you have received new mail, but did not receive an notification for it, this may be because:

  • You have not entered an e-mail address, or the e-mail address is no longer valid. You can check the address entered under the menu item Settings.
  • You have not confirmed your e-mail address by following the link in the message you received, when you entered the address.
  • You have deselected the option to receive notifications when you receive new mail. You can select this individually or for all your registered senders. To view your settings, you must log on to e-Boks on your computer.
  • You read the mail before e-Boks sent you the notification. e-Boks sends out notifications several times a day. If you read your mail before this occurs, e-Boks will not send an notification.
  • You or your e-mail provider has a spam filter which is preventing the notification from reaching its destination. You must ensure that messages from e-boks.no can be sent to you.