Unregister from mail from a sender

You can cancel your registration to a sender completely or partially and instead receive your mail in paper format.

  1. Select the Registrations tab
  2. Click Unregister next to the sender you want to stop receiving digital mail from
  3. Select all or only the types of mail you want to unregister from
  4. Click OK to confirm the unregistering.

If you want to unregister from your wage slip, you must be aware that you may not necessarily receive this in paper format in the future as many companies have now switched to only sending digital wage slips. Contact your employer to find out if you can receive a paper copy of your wage slip.

If you want to unregister from mail from a bank, this can either be done in your online bank or by logging onto e-Boks via an online bank. You can find out what your bank's requirements are for unregistering on the registration page or by contacting your bank.