How does e-Boks use cookies?

Cookies and statistics

e-Boks uses cookies to gather anonymised information about your use of e-Boks and your visits to e-Boks’ pages. Information is gathered about:

  • which pages you visit
  • the time of your visit
  • which pages you came from

e-Boks also gathers information about the computer from which you are logging in (not personal data). The information includes:

  • Internet browser and browser settings
  • operating system
  • Internet connection
  • screen resolution and settings

This information is used for statistical purposes and to improve e-Boks’ services.

We also record the IP address from which you access e-Boks. This information is not compared against your personal data, although it may be used in the investigation of fraudulent use or attempted fraudulent use of your e-Boks.

Cookies and user control

e-Boks uses cookies for user control and to optimise the user experience of e-Boks. These cookies are used to record, among other things:

  • language settings
  • login method
  • settings for archiving
  • sorting selections
  • contact information for enquiries to customer support
  • management of the login session