Become a sender

Save money

In addition, your company will have enhanced opportunities to communicate digitally with customers and employees. Whether it’s a question of bills, statements, payslips or other types of letter, e-Boks is a modern and significantly more economical alternative to ordinary post.

Getting started with ease

To become a sender in e-Boks, your company must be able to deliver mail in a digital format supported by e-Boks. If your company uses a partner to handle mail/output data, they may already be ready to deliver your mail digitally, since e-Boks currently receives mailings from several large print/conversion partners.

A world of possibilities

As a sender in e-Boks, you will have several opportunities to move resources from mailing and administration to better customer service.

  • Send documents and attachments digitally through e-Boks, and save approximately 80%
  • Add response options, so that the customer can respond digitally directly through e-Boks, easily and quickly
  • Integrate with your company’s administrative systems and save on manual workflows
  • Integrate e-Boks into your company’s existing customer portal, providing your customers with extra utility
  • Get digital access to the documents customers have received from your company, making the job of your customer service department easier

e-Boks makes your customer service both digital and mobile, which in itself represents significant added value for many of your customers.

If you have any questions or want to know more, don’t hesitate to get in touch.