Get the most out of e-Boks

  • Update your profile information (name, e-mail and mobile number);
  • Sign up for receiving mails from public authorities;
  • Sign up for receiving mail from private providers relevant to you;
  • Register so you can receive e-Boks newsletter;
  • Create your own folders and set rules;
  • Use e-Boks on your smartphone or tablet.

Why should you focus on making the most out of e-Boks?

By having updated information in your profile you are sure to get notified about new mails in e-Boks.

The more senders you sign up for, the more benefits you get from using e-Boks.

You can create file folders and archiving rules on the individual senders and mail types to create a better overview of your documents and Inbox.

Finally, you can use e-Boks from any smartphone and tablet (Android, iOS and Windows Phone platform).