How to give others access to your mail

You can give another user access to your mail. This can be very practical if, for example, there is just one person in the household who takes care of paying bills etc. This person will only have to log on once to see their own and e.g. their spouse's Inbox.

  1. Select the Settings tab
  2. Select the Shared folders menu item
  3. Click the Share my folders button
  4. Specify the following under 1. Profile details and then press Next
    1. If you have not specified a name under settings, you must do this in the first step since your name will be used to identify you to the user you have given the access to
  5. Specify the following under 2. Create user and then press Next
    1. Specify a name for the access right (e.g. the name of the user you are giving access to)
    2. Enter the national identity number of the user you want to give access to as identification
    3. As an extra safety measure if, for example, you enter an incorrect national identity number. You must enter a password that the user you are giving access to must enter the first time the access right is activated (remember to give this password to the other user)
  6. Specify the following under 3. Grant rights and then press Next
    1. Select the rights you want the user to have and which folders, if applicable, you want the user to be able to access

The access right will now have been created and can be used immediately. The user you have given access to just has to log on and activate your access from the home page. This is done with the access code you have specified