
Our organisation and data processors

e-Boks A/S

Dampfærgevej 28, 1. sal

DK-2100 København Ø

CBR no: 25674154

e-Boks A/S (hereinafter e-Boks) is an independent limited liability company founded in 2001 and jointly owned by Nets Holding A/S (CBR no. 27225993) and Post Danmark (CBR no. 26663903). e-Boks’ IT systems and websites are hosted at locations in Denmark with the following subcontractors:

  • KMD A/S (CBR no: 26911745)

e-Boks also uses the SiteCatalyst solution to process statistics. Site Catalyst is part of Adobe Systems Danmark ApS (CBR no. 20896884).

e-Boks is registered with the Danish Data Protection Agency as an IT service company and is a member of FDIH (the Danish Distance Selling and E-business Association).

Privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to e-Boks’ online services and information that are offered via

Processing of your personal data

The purpose of this privacy policy is to explain how we gather, protect and use your personal data. Protecting your personal data is a vital part of how e-Boks gathers and processes the information about you. e-Boks bases the gathering and processing of your personal data on the following principles:

  • You decide yourself what data we gather about you.
  • Irrespective of where this data is gathered from, or where it is stored, e-Boks processes your personal data in accordance with the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data and its accompanying security notice.
  • e-Boks ensures that your personal data is not changed to something that is incorrect, made known to unauthorised persons or misused in any other ways.
  • e-Boks only gathers the personal data about you that it requires in order to make e-Boks’ services available to you.
  • e-Boks does not use the data it has gathered for any purposes other than those notified at the time of gathering or on e-Boks’ associated websites.
  • e-Boks does not pass on your personal data to any data controllers other than those described in "Terms of use for e-Boks".
  • By unsubscribing to e-Boks, you can make your personal data unavailable for future use. The deletion of historical data saved with regard to e-Boks’ technical and security-related audit trails cannot be guaranteed.
  • You may amend the personal data recorded about you in e-Boks at any time.

Anonymous use of websites

You can always search for information on e-Boks’ websites without giving out personal data. e-Boks does not automatically gather personal data, nor link anonymised technical information to specific users.

Usage of cookies

A cookie is a small information file, which is stored by web pages on your computer.

Cookies enables recognizing of your computer by the web site. They are used for improving the user experience and for gathering anonymous usage statistics. Cookies are also used with reference to the log-on procedure - these cookies are however deleted when you sign out of e-Boks. Most companies use cookies on their web sites since it improves the common user experience.

The usage of cookies, on e-Boks, within the below categories are described in: See "Cookies and statistics".

  1. Cookies for gathering of statistical information about the usage of e-Boks:
  2. Cookies used with reference to the log-on procedure and for optimising the user experience: See "Cookies and user management".

It is required that you accept the usage of cookies in order to use e-Boks.

Cookies and statistics

e-Boks uses cookies to gather anonymous information about the usage of e-Boks. e-Boks collects the following informations:

  • The pages you visit on e-Boks
  • The time of your visit
  • The pages from witch you came

I addition e-Boks collects informations about the computer you use (no personal information). The info used are:

  • Web browser and browser settings
  • Operating system
  • Internet connection
  • Screen resolution and -settings

The information is only used for statistical purposes and for improving the services on e-Boks.

Moreover, e-Boks is collecting the IP-address of the computer you are using. This information is not collated with personal informations, but can be used when investigating unauthorised- or attempt to unauthorised use of your e-Boks.

Cookies and user management

e-Boks is using cookies for user-management and to improve common user experience. These cookies register user-settings such as:

  • Languages environment
  • Log-on-method
  • Storing environment
  • User specific sorting
  • Contact informations(with reference to support inquiries)
  • Managing of the log-on-session


e-Boks uses a range of technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data against unauthorised access or amendment, loss, corruption and other misuse.

Our employees and data processors are subject to a duty of confidentiality in respect of the information that is processed in e-Boks’ systems.

Whenever you are asked to supply personal data, this is always done using a secure, encrypted connection.


e-Boks never sells or passes on your personal data to others for marketing purposes. e-Boks uses your e-mail address and mobile phone number information solely to provide you with access to e-Boks’ own services.


All material on this website, including names, logos, trademarks, graphics, text, icons and images, is the property of e-Boks and its partners and is protected in accordance with the Danish Trademarks Act, the Danish Copyright Act and other legislation.

Users of the website are free to print the material for their own private and non-commercial use. It is also permitted to link to articles on the website, provided that this is done fairly and in accordance with the applicable Danish legislation.


The user’s use of the website is in every respect their own responsibility. The information on the website is provided without liability and without any explicit or implicit guarantee as to its quality, accuracy or completeness.

Links to other Service Providers

There may be links on e-Boks’ websites to the websites of other Service Providers. e-Boks is not responsible for the content of other Service Providers’ websites, and this privacy policy does not apply to the websites of such Service Providers.

Version 1.3 – 2011-06-07